Friday, December 08, 2006
Mommy car!
Car! Car! I got a car!
Car! Car! I got a CAR!
It's nothing special. 99 Kia Sephia, way too many miles on it (but better than anything else I'd seen in my price range). Good percentage are highway miles, so...
It needs to visit a mechanic, as soon as I can get it registered. I kind of spent all my money ($1600) on the car, so may have to wait until later next week.
Tomorrow I'm going to get a 3-day authorization to drive it, and go spend much of the day at the MVD with Luthien. Yay, fun.
Car! Car! I got a CAR!
It's nothing special. 99 Kia Sephia, way too many miles on it (but better than anything else I'd seen in my price range). Good percentage are highway miles, so...
It needs to visit a mechanic, as soon as I can get it registered. I kind of spent all my money ($1600) on the car, so may have to wait until later next week.
Tomorrow I'm going to get a 3-day authorization to drive it, and go spend much of the day at the MVD with Luthien. Yay, fun.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Yule decoration!
Well, I dragged out the tree and found a place to stick it. What do you think?
Here's a wide shot of the wall. On the left hand side is my desk, couch to the right. usually the altar is up against the wall, but I stuck the tree behind it.
Here's a closer shot of the tree and altar. I still need a Yule candle. The doily covering the altar was passed down to me from my great-grandmother. The lights are on, but won't be lit up until Solstice Night (Dec. 21), and we'll put ornaments on the tree on Mother-Night (Dec. 20). as well as make a yule wreath for the altar. (A small one, since I have to burn it on the grill in the backyard.)
Here's the couch. All the holiday teddy bears are compliments of my MIL.
This is the corner above my desk. The sounding horn and coat of arms are always there; I just hung the drinking horns.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Chocolate Revel!!!

Luthien did manage to get a hold of some cake when I wasn't looking, and I didn't know for sure all the things I have her were egg-free. She was sick later. I suspect in this case it was worth it. Heck, I was almost sick later. Her favorite part was the dancing. Mine was definitely the chocolate. But between helping set up, helping in the kitchen, chasing Luthien (who played with Thomas until he went home and then with a little girl who got them locked out of the hall for a few minutes--Yikes!), and helping clean up, it was a LOOONG and exhausting day. Also, I think my garb is still ugly even with the new trim I made.
Friday, September 15, 2006
That Was Easy
Well, Luthien's surgery is all done. We actually left the surgical center less than an hour after the scheduled time of the surgery. Easy peasy.
The question now is, do I let her have Hi-Ho Cherry-O, which I bought on our store credit at Bookman's yesterday, or make her wait until her birthday? I'm not good at waiting and certainly don't want to set higher standards for her than I expect of myself. I think it's going to be a recovery day activity.
The question now is, do I let her have Hi-Ho Cherry-O, which I bought on our store credit at Bookman's yesterday, or make her wait until her birthday? I'm not good at waiting and certainly don't want to set higher standards for her than I expect of myself. I think it's going to be a recovery day activity.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
"I want to go to day care!"
Luthien has declared this several times today.
Maybe she just likes it better than sitting around the house with boring old Mommy.
Maybe she just likes it better than sitting around the house with boring old Mommy.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Someone remembered my birthday!
The in-laws didn't, but we got the box from mom in the mail. I bought groceries and a $5 large pizza from Little Caesar's. Does that count as eating out?
Luthien is scheduled for ear tube surgery on the 15th. I picked a Friday so I only have to miss one class and she'll have the weekend to recover, but David will have to work for sure.
She's turned into Miss Grouch after daycare. I don't know if it's because she' tired, or just because she wants her own way more after all day in a structured environment. Either way, it's really taxing on me.
Luthien's birthday is coming up, and I won't be able to get her any gifts before hand. Some things I think she would enjoy:
Board games for the 3+ crowd (she has Memory and Rivers, Roads, and Rails and plays those well)
Jigsaw puzzles in the 15-30 piece range
Books, as always
A T-ball set
I want to get her a kitchen. Every time we go into Target, it takes a while to tear her peacefully away from the wooden island kitchen. I think it's adorable and loathe the big plastic kind. IMO Target is the only big box store with a toy section worth looking at for more than 2 minutes.
Luthien is scheduled for ear tube surgery on the 15th. I picked a Friday so I only have to miss one class and she'll have the weekend to recover, but David will have to work for sure.
She's turned into Miss Grouch after daycare. I don't know if it's because she' tired, or just because she wants her own way more after all day in a structured environment. Either way, it's really taxing on me.
Luthien's birthday is coming up, and I won't be able to get her any gifts before hand. Some things I think she would enjoy:
Board games for the 3+ crowd (she has Memory and Rivers, Roads, and Rails and plays those well)
Jigsaw puzzles in the 15-30 piece range
Books, as always
A T-ball set
I want to get her a kitchen. Every time we go into Target, it takes a while to tear her peacefully away from the wooden island kitchen. I think it's adorable and loathe the big plastic kind. IMO Target is the only big box store with a toy section worth looking at for more than 2 minutes.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Daycare: week 1
Luthien seems to like it. She didn't nap every day she was there, but the days she didn't nap were days she'd slept late, so I guess it's not too surprising. The only thing that bothers me is that while they have the same 2 people there in the morning, by late afternoon it's different people who are often clueless about whether she ate her lunch or had nap, and who don't seem to be as on top of things in general. Part-timers. They're all nice, and interact well with the kids, but it does seem like a lot of coming and going. For her part, Luthien doesn't seem to mind, though.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Here's an interesting site. It lets you catalog all the books in your personal library very quickly. Below is my profile. It includes Luthien's books:
Friday, August 18, 2006
Learning Luthien's Likes
One thing about Luthien getting a little older is that she's starting to develop her own idea of what sorts of things she likes and dislikes. She likes frogs. Great. She didn't seem so excited about the castle-themed toys I had my heart set on getting her for her birthday. There was a playset, with dolls of king/queen/princess/prince/jester/wizard/knight, a little folding doll-house castle, and castle blocks.
On the other hand, she is totally enthralled with the toy kitchen every time we go to Target. So, I'm getting her a toy kitchen. The wooden one at Target seems to be the best deal in something compact and not hideous, though there's one at Magic Cabin I think is pretty cool, too. And it'll be a nice thing to make suggestions to others who want to get her something, to get (preferably not plastic) accessories for her toy kitchen.
Maybe I should get castle blocks for MY birthday.
On the other hand, she is totally enthralled with the toy kitchen every time we go to Target. So, I'm getting her a toy kitchen. The wooden one at Target seems to be the best deal in something compact and not hideous, though there's one at Magic Cabin I think is pretty cool, too. And it'll be a nice thing to make suggestions to others who want to get her something, to get (preferably not plastic) accessories for her toy kitchen.
Maybe I should get castle blocks for MY birthday.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
The Number 4
Luthien has been identifying the numeral 4 everywhere she sees it for several days. Today, she had me show her how to write it, and actually did! I mean, it wasn't perfect, but it was vaguely legible. She also tried to do triangles, without as much success.
I don't think she quite gets the purpose of the number 4, as in, counting 4 objects, exactly. But she definitely can identify the symbol.
I'm not sure why "4", as opposed to any of the other numerals, or a letter of the alphabet (though she has, on occasion, identified the letter "O", not with the insistent consistency she goes on about 4).
She has identified "4" on license plates, on a picture of a football player, on a calendar, and in books. She'll start pointing and saying "Four! Mommy, Four!", and if I look, inevitably there it is. The number 4. I guess that's her number. Hmm.
I don't think she quite gets the purpose of the number 4, as in, counting 4 objects, exactly. But she definitely can identify the symbol.
I'm not sure why "4", as opposed to any of the other numerals, or a letter of the alphabet (though she has, on occasion, identified the letter "O", not with the insistent consistency she goes on about 4).
She has identified "4" on license plates, on a picture of a football player, on a calendar, and in books. She'll start pointing and saying "Four! Mommy, Four!", and if I look, inevitably there it is. The number 4. I guess that's her number. Hmm.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Summer--Where to begin?
Well, I suppose I could begin with our vacation. A definite high there, in that trip out to California. Luthien saw the ocean for the first time, and still asks to go to the beach. I got to feel like I was 9 years old again at the Santa Cruz Boardwalk, and the Monterrey Bay Aquarium was amazing for all of us.
There were certainly lows. The restaurant burned down. We're back to where we were 2 years ago. Ugh.
Luthien is really speaking now, she's pretty much dropped baby babble altogether, though occasionally she's still quite difficult to understand. Her speech therapist doesn't think she'll qualify for EI preschool. Not sure I'd want to send her anyway, but I'm keeping options open.
She'll sit and work on a 20 piece puzzle with help. She does the activity cards with her Funtastic Frogs, when she's in the mood. Still haven't figured out why those are labeled age 5+. She's pretty much got her colors down, and a couple of days ago said "Bless you" when I sneezed.
Lesson I've learned: BK Veggie sandwich at Burger King has egg in it.
We're still working on getting the hang of coping with food allergies. Hopefully her new daycare will be accomodating.
There were certainly lows. The restaurant burned down. We're back to where we were 2 years ago. Ugh.
Luthien is really speaking now, she's pretty much dropped baby babble altogether, though occasionally she's still quite difficult to understand. Her speech therapist doesn't think she'll qualify for EI preschool. Not sure I'd want to send her anyway, but I'm keeping options open.
She'll sit and work on a 20 piece puzzle with help. She does the activity cards with her Funtastic Frogs, when she's in the mood. Still haven't figured out why those are labeled age 5+. She's pretty much got her colors down, and a couple of days ago said "Bless you" when I sneezed.
Lesson I've learned: BK Veggie sandwich at Burger King has egg in it.
We're still working on getting the hang of coping with food allergies. Hopefully her new daycare will be accomodating.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Tiffany did warn me
Peace Fleece easily becomes tangled from the nifty twisted skein it arrives in. She did warn me. That's why I started rolling it into a ball. Then it got tangled anyway. Then it broke. Now I'm winding a second ball as I untangle. Very, very slowly.
I had thought to take Luthien to the splash park and go to the Brymstonne meeting tonight. But I'm starting to get queasy again (maybe it's hunger?) and she's still napping. I think we'll just stay home. The only real downer to that is that I wanted to go to the library. Oh, well. There's always tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.
I had thought to take Luthien to the splash park and go to the Brymstonne meeting tonight. But I'm starting to get queasy again (maybe it's hunger?) and she's still napping. I think we'll just stay home. The only real downer to that is that I wanted to go to the library. Oh, well. There's always tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Warning signs
When Luthien pulls a towel out of the cupboard and lays down on it, it is a warning sign.
Warning: incipient vomiting.
Warning: incipient vomiting.
Other peoples' blogs
So far, most of the blogs I've looked at online have seemed way cooler than mine. I wonder if that's simply a function of other peoples' lives looking more interesting?
I've been reading this blog the past couple of days:
She's a Pagan doing classical education. It's reassuring I'm not going to be the only one, and her blog is brimming over with fun ideas and interesting links.
Luthien is napping. Ah, sweet bliss! But I hope I don't have to wake her up. We have to leave in 45 minutes to go babysit Xander.
I wish I could find a full-time way to get paid for having fun.
I've been reading this blog the past couple of days:
She's a Pagan doing classical education. It's reassuring I'm not going to be the only one, and her blog is brimming over with fun ideas and interesting links.
Luthien is napping. Ah, sweet bliss! But I hope I don't have to wake her up. We have to leave in 45 minutes to go babysit Xander.
I wish I could find a full-time way to get paid for having fun.
Friday, May 26, 2006
Luthien Loves Frogs and Dogs, I research Classical Homeschooling
I really can't fault Luthien's obsessive interests. I do the same thing. Right now, I have homeschooling on the brain, and have been doing a lot of reading and research.
She's been into frogs, dogs on the TV, and I now wish I hadn't given up our copy of Scooby-Doo, which went to my niece Dakota at the height of her scooby groove. It's Lady and the Tramp every day. We had checked out a Wishbone DVD from the library, but the time came to return it and they didn't have any others. I couldn't talk her into Benji or Lassie at the library. I tried putting in the Fox and the Hound instead of Lady and the Tramp, but it just made me cry and failed to hold her interest. And I thought Bambi was depressing!
Starfall is really teaching her things. She's started associating sounds with letters. Too bad the computer network won't work when it heats up around here. Or at all, this morning.
As for frogs, I found a cool area rug at Ikea on Wednesday. Now Luthien can jump from lilypad to lilypad around her room!
She's been into frogs, dogs on the TV, and I now wish I hadn't given up our copy of Scooby-Doo, which went to my niece Dakota at the height of her scooby groove. It's Lady and the Tramp every day. We had checked out a Wishbone DVD from the library, but the time came to return it and they didn't have any others. I couldn't talk her into Benji or Lassie at the library. I tried putting in the Fox and the Hound instead of Lady and the Tramp, but it just made me cry and failed to hold her interest. And I thought Bambi was depressing!
Starfall is really teaching her things. She's started associating sounds with letters. Too bad the computer network won't work when it heats up around here. Or at all, this morning.
As for frogs, I found a cool area rug at Ikea on Wednesday. Now Luthien can jump from lilypad to lilypad around her room!
Friday, May 19, 2006
Too smart by half!
Last night, fairly late, when I was about ready to herd Luthien off to bed, she asked me if she could have some "flower butter" (sunflower seed butter). I told her no, she'd already had her snack and it was almost bedtime. She threw a brief fit, and then wandered off to talk to Windy.
Windy got my attention, and I came into the kitchen to find that Luthien had gotten into the fridge, taken out the jar of sunflower seed butter, gotten a spoon, opened the jar, and gotten herself a big 'ol spoonful!
I took it away, put it back in the jar, and put the jar up high in the fridge. She was most put out. I told her "no does not mean get it yourself."
I really want to nurture her independent streak, but not without getting run over!
Windy got my attention, and I came into the kitchen to find that Luthien had gotten into the fridge, taken out the jar of sunflower seed butter, gotten a spoon, opened the jar, and gotten herself a big 'ol spoonful!
I took it away, put it back in the jar, and put the jar up high in the fridge. She was most put out. I told her "no does not mean get it yourself."
I really want to nurture her independent streak, but not without getting run over!
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Luthien is vacuuming
I'm delighted. I do have to go turn the vacuum around for her (she can't steer it too well yet), but she's making definite inroads on the pretzels and dried cereal she flung all over the living room floor from the vantage of her high chair (and the couch).
Given how often she's tried to insist that "mommy do it" lately concerning picking up her toys, I'm happy with any volunteerism on her part in cleaning up around here, especially since the place needs to be in order for a friend's graduation party tomorrow.
Given how often she's tried to insist that "mommy do it" lately concerning picking up her toys, I'm happy with any volunteerism on her part in cleaning up around here, especially since the place needs to be in order for a friend's graduation party tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
I'm done, vacation has officially begun!
I'm done. Totally and completely.
No more school, no more books (except fun ones),
no more hurrying, no more day care.
It's just Luthien and me, facing one long, hot, summer of each other's company day in, and day out.
I'm really looking forward to going out to Texas to visit family in June.
No more school, no more books (except fun ones),
no more hurrying, no more day care.
It's just Luthien and me, facing one long, hot, summer of each other's company day in, and day out.
I'm really looking forward to going out to Texas to visit family in June.
Friday, May 05, 2006
The Health Benefits of Procrastination
I wrote a paper today. It was due at 5 PM. I spent most of the morning reading the material I had gathered in my research, and started writing around mid-morning.
I completely forgot about Luthien's speech therapy appointment, so when Jenna arrived the living room was a mess (I usually tidy up before she comes), I was in my pajamas, and Luthien was starkers.
Luthien fortunately went down for a reasonably long afternoon nap, which permitted me to get the paper finished with a minimum of protestation from her (relatively speaking). I finished the paper at ten until four, frantically got Luthien and myself dressed and our bag packed with library books to return, the paper to turn in, and Luthien's towel and swimsuit for the trip to the splash park I promised her as the compensation for being ignored all day while mama focused on homework.
We left the house at 4:12 PM. We arrived at the Anthropology building on campus, approximately 4.5 miles away, at 4:41 PM, a good twenty minutes before the office (wherein lay the TA's box into which I had to place the paper to turn it in) was supposed to close (and about ten minutes before the time they often lock the door).
29 minutes from home to campus, with a fairly strong head and cross wind, and Luthien as well as a laden backpack on board. Yep. Procrastination does have its health benefits.
I completely forgot about Luthien's speech therapy appointment, so when Jenna arrived the living room was a mess (I usually tidy up before she comes), I was in my pajamas, and Luthien was starkers.
Luthien fortunately went down for a reasonably long afternoon nap, which permitted me to get the paper finished with a minimum of protestation from her (relatively speaking). I finished the paper at ten until four, frantically got Luthien and myself dressed and our bag packed with library books to return, the paper to turn in, and Luthien's towel and swimsuit for the trip to the splash park I promised her as the compensation for being ignored all day while mama focused on homework.
We left the house at 4:12 PM. We arrived at the Anthropology building on campus, approximately 4.5 miles away, at 4:41 PM, a good twenty minutes before the office (wherein lay the TA's box into which I had to place the paper to turn it in) was supposed to close (and about ten minutes before the time they often lock the door).
29 minutes from home to campus, with a fairly strong head and cross wind, and Luthien as well as a laden backpack on board. Yep. Procrastination does have its health benefits.
Monday, May 01, 2006
It's Official
As of today, I am the wife of a restaurant owner.
We now get to see David's sleeping back in bed, and if awake may see him for 10 minutes before bed and 30 minutes upon awakening. The rest of the time, he'll be at work.
But at least now we don't have to worry about him getting fired!
We now get to see David's sleeping back in bed, and if awake may see him for 10 minutes before bed and 30 minutes upon awakening. The rest of the time, he'll be at work.
But at least now we don't have to worry about him getting fired!
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Computers and puzzles
Luthien is still totally all over the computer. She's been going on, a phonics/reading website that's blissfully non-marketing character driven. There's a lot of musical and sound bits, and animation for the stories. She really enjoys it.
I got her some new puzzles, a set of 4 12-piece jigsaw puzzles. She enjoys working on them, though she needs a lot of help. We also got out the pattern blocks, and she likes those, though her attention span for actually finishing a board isn't great.
Uh-oh, gotta go rescue David. He's trying to sleep and she decided it was time to go say hi.
I got her some new puzzles, a set of 4 12-piece jigsaw puzzles. She enjoys working on them, though she needs a lot of help. We also got out the pattern blocks, and she likes those, though her attention span for actually finishing a board isn't great.
Uh-oh, gotta go rescue David. He's trying to sleep and she decided it was time to go say hi.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Hide and Go Seek
Luthien counting while she hides her eyes as "it" in hide-and-go-seek:
"One, two, one, two, one, two,, two,, two, one, two, one...."
She also echoes me while I'm counting for her to go hide. She's got the "seek" down, the "hide", not so much.
She knows the color purple and uses the word unprompted.
She is still computer obsessed. I introduced her to, which is a phonics/reading website that starts with simple alphabet stuff. She really likes it. Even more than the care bears.
Have I mentioned that she is obsessed with frogs? We put frogs cut out from the calendar she picked out (from the months that have already passed), and taped them to her wall. She loves them, even the ugly brown horned one. And now the walls in her room aren't quite so blank.
She now posesses three Easter baskets, 2 stuffed rabbits, and a stuffed lamb. I'm either going to have to make a box of Ostara/Easter/Spring decorations, like I do for Yule/Christmas decorations, or I'm going to have to just plain purge.
Meanwhile, in school I did a paper, and in researching for it I learned all about how corporate agrobusiness is undermining organic dairy. I'm tempted to start buying Creme de la Moo, a local brand of raw organic milk that costs $8/gallon.
Yeah, I know. So Luthien is drinking Goat's milk again, which isn't organic, but is hormone/antibiotic free and by the smaller scale of the industry unlikely to be factory-produced.
Maybe I should check...
"One, two, one, two, one, two,, two,, two, one, two, one...."
She also echoes me while I'm counting for her to go hide. She's got the "seek" down, the "hide", not so much.
She knows the color purple and uses the word unprompted.
She is still computer obsessed. I introduced her to, which is a phonics/reading website that starts with simple alphabet stuff. She really likes it. Even more than the care bears.
Have I mentioned that she is obsessed with frogs? We put frogs cut out from the calendar she picked out (from the months that have already passed), and taped them to her wall. She loves them, even the ugly brown horned one. And now the walls in her room aren't quite so blank.
She now posesses three Easter baskets, 2 stuffed rabbits, and a stuffed lamb. I'm either going to have to make a box of Ostara/Easter/Spring decorations, like I do for Yule/Christmas decorations, or I'm going to have to just plain purge.
Meanwhile, in school I did a paper, and in researching for it I learned all about how corporate agrobusiness is undermining organic dairy. I'm tempted to start buying Creme de la Moo, a local brand of raw organic milk that costs $8/gallon.
Yeah, I know. So Luthien is drinking Goat's milk again, which isn't organic, but is hormone/antibiotic free and by the smaller scale of the industry unlikely to be factory-produced.
Maybe I should check...
Monday, April 10, 2006
Computer whiz
I put a new game on the computer for Luthien yesterday. It's a care bears game, and the activities on it are rather more advanced than her other game so I had my doubts as to whether she'd be able to really play it. But she started getting the hang of clicking the mouse, and while some of the games are beyond her, she's pretty good at the memory-style matching game. She also liked watching me do one of the puzzle games, and tried to do it herself but couldn't quite get the hang of how the arrows and clicking the mouse all went together.
The job she did on the matching game makes me think I should get her a non-computer Memory game. She's also learning her colors. I told her to go get a pair of yellow, orange, or purple pants to match her shirt, and she came out with her purple striped pants and said "purpur"! She's also building a little more complex sentences. Instead of just "Where shoes?" yesterday morning while looking for her shoes she said "Where shoes are?" First time I've heard her use that verb!
The job she did on the matching game makes me think I should get her a non-computer Memory game. She's also learning her colors. I told her to go get a pair of yellow, orange, or purple pants to match her shirt, and she came out with her purple striped pants and said "purpur"! She's also building a little more complex sentences. Instead of just "Where shoes?" yesterday morning while looking for her shoes she said "Where shoes are?" First time I've heard her use that verb!
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Here are some photos from Estrella War in February. Another plus over Homeschoolblogger, I managed to figure out how to upload them!

First, Luthien on the swing at the playground. She spent quite a bit of time in that swing, it was the first time she did a "big kid" swing.
Second, Luthien with Thomas.

Third, a wide shot of the battlefield; bottom, the kids from the Children's Center singing a song for the guests at the Queen's Tea. I did several hours of volunteering at the children's center, and plan to do more next war, because it was a lot of fun for both Luthien and me!

Second, Luthien with Thomas.

Third, a wide shot of the battlefield; bottom, the kids from the Children's Center singing a song for the guests at the Queen's Tea. I did several hours of volunteering at the children's center, and plan to do more next war, because it was a lot of fun for both Luthien and me!
Friday, April 07, 2006
Pretty Cute for a non-morning person
This morning when Luthien woke up, she found a book in the bed and sat reading to herself for at least 15 minutes. She was quite happy and chattery, which was absolutely cute because usually when she wakes up to find herself alone in bed she cries until one of us goes in after her.
I must be doing something right, if she already enjoys looking at books to amuse herself! It was a little I Spy board book.
She came to our bed last night at abou 11:30, shortly after I went to bed. She bumped into the wall her bed is up against and then kicked it repeatedly. That wall is also where her uncle's headboard is on the other side. Unfortunately, there's really no way to rearrange her room to put the bed somewhere else. It's 3 big pieces of furniture: her 6' square cubby bookshelf, large dresser, and bed.
I would like to get her a different bed frame; Ikea has a cool one that can reverse to be a mini-loft or a canopy bed. I think she'd really like it. But we certainly won't have the money any time this spring or summer.
I try to do little things to make her room more appealing. I'm planning to take the Frog calendar she picked out and re-using the pictures in her room. She's really been into frogs the past couple of months. Better than Thomas the Tank Engine, that's for sure!
I must be doing something right, if she already enjoys looking at books to amuse herself! It was a little I Spy board book.
She came to our bed last night at abou 11:30, shortly after I went to bed. She bumped into the wall her bed is up against and then kicked it repeatedly. That wall is also where her uncle's headboard is on the other side. Unfortunately, there's really no way to rearrange her room to put the bed somewhere else. It's 3 big pieces of furniture: her 6' square cubby bookshelf, large dresser, and bed.
I would like to get her a different bed frame; Ikea has a cool one that can reverse to be a mini-loft or a canopy bed. I think she'd really like it. But we certainly won't have the money any time this spring or summer.
I try to do little things to make her room more appealing. I'm planning to take the Frog calendar she picked out and re-using the pictures in her room. She's really been into frogs the past couple of months. Better than Thomas the Tank Engine, that's for sure!
Friday, March 31, 2006
New Site, New Blog
I've stopped posting on Homeschool Blogger because of some of their advertisers, who are pro-spanking and other childrearing practices I find unconcionable.
Rather than JUST about Luthien, this blog will be about my life, too. Since she's one of the major focuses of my life, she will still be a major highlight, but I'm liable to meander more into my own musings as well.
Right now I should be working on two papers due on Monday, or on the clues for our Ostara Scavenger Egg Hunt tomorrow with PAAN, or sleeping. I'm very, very good at procrastinating. Hey, it helps keep the house clean.
Rather than JUST about Luthien, this blog will be about my life, too. Since she's one of the major focuses of my life, she will still be a major highlight, but I'm liable to meander more into my own musings as well.
Right now I should be working on two papers due on Monday, or on the clues for our Ostara Scavenger Egg Hunt tomorrow with PAAN, or sleeping. I'm very, very good at procrastinating. Hey, it helps keep the house clean.
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