Friday, August 18, 2006

Learning Luthien's Likes

One thing about Luthien getting a little older is that she's starting to develop her own idea of what sorts of things she likes and dislikes. She likes frogs. Great. She didn't seem so excited about the castle-themed toys I had my heart set on getting her for her birthday. There was a playset, with dolls of king/queen/princess/prince/jester/wizard/knight, a little folding doll-house castle, and castle blocks.

On the other hand, she is totally enthralled with the toy kitchen every time we go to Target. So, I'm getting her a toy kitchen. The wooden one at Target seems to be the best deal in something compact and not hideous, though there's one at Magic Cabin I think is pretty cool, too. And it'll be a nice thing to make suggestions to others who want to get her something, to get (preferably not plastic) accessories for her toy kitchen.

Maybe I should get castle blocks for MY birthday.

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