Saturday, August 05, 2006

The Number 4

Luthien has been identifying the numeral 4 everywhere she sees it for several days. Today, she had me show her how to write it, and actually did! I mean, it wasn't perfect, but it was vaguely legible. She also tried to do triangles, without as much success.

I don't think she quite gets the purpose of the number 4, as in, counting 4 objects, exactly. But she definitely can identify the symbol.

I'm not sure why "4", as opposed to any of the other numerals, or a letter of the alphabet (though she has, on occasion, identified the letter "O", not with the insistent consistency she goes on about 4).

She has identified "4" on license plates, on a picture of a football player, on a calendar, and in books. She'll start pointing and saying "Four! Mommy, Four!", and if I look, inevitably there it is. The number 4. I guess that's her number. Hmm.

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