Friday, September 08, 2006

Someone remembered my birthday!

The in-laws didn't, but we got the box from mom in the mail. I bought groceries and a $5 large pizza from Little Caesar's. Does that count as eating out?

Luthien is scheduled for ear tube surgery on the 15th. I picked a Friday so I only have to miss one class and she'll have the weekend to recover, but David will have to work for sure.

She's turned into Miss Grouch after daycare. I don't know if it's because she' tired, or just because she wants her own way more after all day in a structured environment. Either way, it's really taxing on me.

Luthien's birthday is coming up, and I won't be able to get her any gifts before hand. Some things I think she would enjoy:

Board games for the 3+ crowd (she has Memory and Rivers, Roads, and Rails and plays those well)
Jigsaw puzzles in the 15-30 piece range
Books, as always
A T-ball set

I want to get her a kitchen. Every time we go into Target, it takes a while to tear her peacefully away from the wooden island kitchen. I think it's adorable and loathe the big plastic kind. IMO Target is the only big box store with a toy section worth looking at for more than 2 minutes.

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