Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Hide and Go Seek

Luthien counting while she hides her eyes as "it" in hide-and-go-seek:

"One, two, one, two, one, two,, two,, two, one, two, one...."

She also echoes me while I'm counting for her to go hide. She's got the "seek" down, the "hide", not so much.

She knows the color purple and uses the word unprompted.

She is still computer obsessed. I introduced her to, which is a phonics/reading website that starts with simple alphabet stuff. She really likes it. Even more than the care bears.

Have I mentioned that she is obsessed with frogs? We put frogs cut out from the calendar she picked out (from the months that have already passed), and taped them to her wall. She loves them, even the ugly brown horned one. And now the walls in her room aren't quite so blank.

She now posesses three Easter baskets, 2 stuffed rabbits, and a stuffed lamb. I'm either going to have to make a box of Ostara/Easter/Spring decorations, like I do for Yule/Christmas decorations, or I'm going to have to just plain purge.

Meanwhile, in school I did a paper, and in researching for it I learned all about how corporate agrobusiness is undermining organic dairy. I'm tempted to start buying Creme de la Moo, a local brand of raw organic milk that costs $8/gallon.

Yeah, I know. So Luthien is drinking Goat's milk again, which isn't organic, but is hormone/antibiotic free and by the smaller scale of the industry unlikely to be factory-produced.

Maybe I should check...

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