Sunday, May 28, 2006

Other peoples' blogs

So far, most of the blogs I've looked at online have seemed way cooler than mine. I wonder if that's simply a function of other peoples' lives looking more interesting?

I've been reading this blog the past couple of days:

She's a Pagan doing classical education. It's reassuring I'm not going to be the only one, and her blog is brimming over with fun ideas and interesting links.

Luthien is napping. Ah, sweet bliss! But I hope I don't have to wake her up. We have to leave in 45 minutes to go babysit Xander.

I wish I could find a full-time way to get paid for having fun.

1 comment:

Lioness said...

Why thank you! There's also Mamalynx at and I see you just joined