Sunday, October 08, 2006

Chocolate Revel!!!

Yummy chocolate dishes. I didn't take these pictures. I, of course, forgot my camera.
Here's me cutting up pickled eggs. Yum. Luthien was busy playing with Thomas.
More yummy chocolate dishes.
This dragon and his chocolate castle are 100% edible and won best show piece.
So much chocolate, I actually drank cow's milk for the first time in several years to wash it down.
Yet more chocolate. I want a bundt pan shaped like a castle, too!

This was another of the show piece entries, made by Viola, who is in the College of Brymstonne. She admitted that she voted for the dragon.

Luthien did manage to get a hold of some cake when I wasn't looking, and I didn't know for sure all the things I have her were egg-free. She was sick later. I suspect in this case it was worth it. Heck, I was almost sick later. Her favorite part was the dancing. Mine was definitely the chocolate. But between helping set up, helping in the kitchen, chasing Luthien (who played with Thomas until he went home and then with a little girl who got them locked out of the hall for a few minutes--Yikes!), and helping clean up, it was a LOOONG and exhausting day. Also, I think my garb is still ugly even with the new trim I made.